DSSA Membership

We require all individuals who take lessons or go sailing through the DSSA to first become members. This is necessary for insurance purposes, and to help fund our many programs!

Day Memberships

Youth/Young Adult

Ages 7 to 17



Ages 30 and Up


2025 Seasonal Memberships


Ages 7 to 17


Young Adult

Ages 18 to 29



Ages 30 and Up



Afiliate Discount




For financial assistance, please contact us to discuss scholarship options.

Sign Up Now!

About Volunteering 

As many of our costs for running DSSA are going up, we are looking for DSSA Members to help with fundraising.
The Duluth Entertainment & Convention Center (DECC) has given us an opportunity to do just that.
They are offering DSSA Volunteers to help with functions at the DECC and will contribute $10/hour worked to our organization.
Functions vary from Hockey Games, Concerts, Conventions, serving at Grandma’s Spaghetti Feed and many others.
There are many types of jobs including Ticket Taking, Ushering, Concessions and others.
Shifts are usually 4-5 hours in length. Please consider helping us by working a shift or two!  
It’s fun and you can enjoy many of the activities when not busy.  You can sign up Solo or in Groups.  
When you work a shift make sure to list Duluth Superior Sailing Association as the NonProfit that you are raising funds for.
You can get put on the DECC Volunteer Recruiting List by reaching out to 
Tamy (DECC Volunteering Coordinator) at email   volunteeradmin@decc.org
If you have any questions about the program you can also reach out to Paul E. (DSSA board member) at volunteeringdssa@gmail.com